Research Centre for Aesthetics, Nature and Environment

Department of Aesthetics - ELTE Eötvös Loránd University


International Workshop "Abyss of Time - Temporality and Existence in Environmental Aesthetic Experience"

16-17 May 2025, ELTE campus

The web-page of the event (participants, programme, web-cast link)

Conference "Echo - a civilizált természet: esztétika az elméletben és a gyakorlatban / Echo - The Civilized Nature: Aesthetics in Theory and Practice"

3-4 February 2024, Trafó

Call for papers (Hun)

Programme (Hun)

Conference "Echo - a természet esztétikai megközelítése / Echo - The Aesthetic Approach to Nature"

23-24 September 2022, Trafó

Call for papers (Hun)

Programme (Hun) (Eng)

Conference "Vadon - város - virtuális valóság: környezetesztétikai közelítések / Wilderness - City - Virtual Reality: Environmental Aesthetics in Action"

19-20 March 2021, ELTE Faculty of Humanities (on-line)

Call for papers (Hun)

Programme (Hun), (Eng) and Résumés (Hun)

Keynote speeches and a selection of the presentations on the departmental youtube-channel: J. Weiss; E. Szécsényi; M. Berki; M. Szentpéteri; T. Seregi; F. Vörös; B. Csuka; R. Gyorffy; Z. Popovics; Zs. Miklósvölgyi - M. Z. Nemes.

Workshop (on-line)

6 November 2020, Department of Aesthetics

Programme (Hun/Eng)

Workshop - cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic

May 2020, Department of Aesthetics

The foundation workshop

29 January 2020, Department of Aesthetics, room: 34

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