Research Centre for Aesthetics, Nature and Environment

Department of Aesthetics - ELTE Eötvös Loránd University



"Környezetesztétikai perspektívák / Perspecitves in Environmental Aesthetics", a three-year research project; supported by NKFI ("otka") / National Research, Development and Innovation Office (ID: 143294), Oct. 2022 - Sept. 2025 [the web-site of the project]

"Bevezetés a környezetesztétikába", szöveggyűjtemény, szerk. Csuka Botond és Szécsényi Endre / "Introducition to Environmental Aesthetics", a textbook of the first Hungarian translations of seminal papers in Environmental Aesthetics, eds. Botond Csuka and Endre Szécsényi


"Környezetesztétikai perspektívák / Perspecitves in Environmental Aesthetics", a four-year research project; its proposal was submitted to NKFI ("otka") / National Research, Development and Innovation Office (ID: 137570) -- nem kapott támogatást / it has not been supported

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