Research Centre for Aesthetics, Nature and Environment

Department of Aesthetics - ELTE Eötvös Loránd University


Ms. Luca Cserhalmi

(ELTE University), natural movements and their impact on humans in the environment

Dr. Botond Csuka

(University of Szeged), the aesthetics of nature in early modern philosophy and science; the theories of unscenic nature

Dr. Adrienne Gálosi

(University of Pécs), the aesthetics of urban experience, nature reflected in modern and contemporary art

Ms. Kinga Lendeczki

(ELTE University), ecological crisis represented in contemporary art

Dr. Sándor Sajó

(ELTE University), the theory of experience; phenomenology and the philosophy of nature

Dr. Zoltán Somhegyi

(University of Szeged), landscape, art history of ruins

Prof. Endre Szécsényi

(ELTE University), the genealogy of modern aesthetics; the versions of natural sublime in modernity

Honorary Members

Dr. Karl Axelsson

(Södertörn University, Stockholm), environmental aesthetics; climate change; aesthetic and moral attitudes to nature

† Prof. Béla Bacsó (1952-2024)

(ELTE University), aesthetics and physiognomy in the 18th century (J. K. Lavater, G. Ch. Lichtenberg, J. G. Herder, Goethe)

Prof. emer. Sándor Radnóti

(ELTE University), the genealogy of modern landscape experience; the philosophy of landscape

Dr. Bálint Somlyó

(ELTE University), daunting nature; the mythical and the natural (T. W. Adorno, W. Benjamin, M. Serres, G. Deleuze)

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