Doctoral Programme in Aesthetics

Doctoral School of Phlosophy, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest


Béla Bacsó, CSc, DSc, Professor

(20th-century theories of art, hermeneutics)

György Poszler, CSc, DSc, MHAS, Professor Emeritus

(theory of literature, pscychology of art)

Zoltán Papp, PhD, Senior Assistant Professor

(German idealism)

Ágnes Heller, CSc, DSc, MHAS, Professor Emerita

(general aesthetics)

Sándor Radnóti, DSc, Professor

(criticism, contemporary philosophy of art)

András Rényi, PhD, Dr. Habil., Associate Professor

(theory of art history)

Sándor Sajó, PhD, Senior Assistant Professor


Bálint Somlyó, PhD, Associate Professor

(20th-century philosophy of art)

Endre Szécsényi, PhD, Dr. Habil., Associate Professor

(theories of taste, aesthetics of Enlightenment)

Ákos Szilágyi, PhD, Dr. Habil., Associate Professor

(Byzantine aesthetics, theory of literature)

CSc = PhD from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS)
Dr. Habil. = Habilitation degree from a university
DSc = Doctor of Science from HAS
MHAS = Member of HAS

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