"Landscape's most crucial condition is considered to be space, but its deepest theme is time." (Rebecca Solnit)
"...to be contemporary means [...] to return to a present where we have never been." (Giorgio Agamben)
Abyss of Time: Temporality and Existence in Environmental Aesthetic Experience
International Workshop
Venue: Faculty of Humanities (ELTE), campus, 1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 4., Building "A", I.144. ("Dékáni Kistanácsterem")
The event will also be webcast to the public (a link will be provided in due course)
The international scholars who accepted the invitation are Elisabetta Di Stefano (Palermo), Arto Haapala (Helsinki), Noora-Helena Korpelainen (Helsinki), Jacob Lund (Aarhus), Valeria Maggiore (Palermo), Mateusz Salwa (Warsaw), Stephanie Schuster (Basel) and Alberto L. Siani (Pisa)
Supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (Hungary), Project #: "OTKA" K-143294, "Perspectives in Environmental Aesthetics" (2022-2025)
and the University Excellency Fund of ELTE University, Budapest (EKA_KON_24: 2024-11-14/184)
The web-page of the event (with updated information, programme, etc.): https://esztetika.elte.hu/RCANE/Abyss_of_Time
To the Facebook event, click here.
For downloadable poster of the event, click here.
Zoltán Somhegyi, zoltansomhegyi@yahoo.co.uk
Endre Szécsényi, szecsenyi.endre@btk.elte.hu