Associate Professor, Graduate Director
Sándor SAJÓ (PhD, dr. habil.) is a philosopher. His book Almost Everything. The Dialectic of Cracked Totality came out in 2014 in Hungarian. In various ways, he is indebted to a number of philosophers including Kant, Hegel, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Husserl, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty and Deleuze. He has been an international external expert of EURIAS (European Institutes for Advanced Study) Fellowship Programme since 2012. He is the head of the Doctoral Programme in Aesthetics at Eötvös University’s Philosophy Graduate School.
Selected Publications
(in progress) Almost Everything. The Dialectic of Experience. (in English)
2018 “Ego sum or ego cum?”. In Anikó Ádám et al. eds., Entre nous. Etudes sur Jean-Luc Nancy. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2018, 31-37. (in English)
2017 “Is Experience Diacritical?” In Markus Gabriel, Sebastian Ostritsch eds. Welt und Unendlichkeit. Ein deutsch-ungarischer Dialog in memoriam Tengelyi László. Freiburg-München: Karl Alber Verlag, 2017. 131-141. (in English; a Russian translation: Трансцендентальный журнал)
2017 “Interpret or Change the World?” In: Gedő Éva, Schwendtner Tibor eds.: Filozófia és nemzetiszocializmus. Értelmezések és kontextusok, Budapest, L’Harmattan, 2017. 55-63. (in Hungarian)
2014 “Narrativity, Emotion and the Experience of the World”, in Gábor Boros and Tibor Pólya eds., Passion, Love, Narration, Budapest: Eötvös, 161-166. Available online as well: (in Hungarian)
2014 “On Dialectic”, in Orbán Katalin and Gács Anna eds., Emlékkerti kőoroszlán. Írások György Péter 60. születésnapjára, Budapest, Eötvös, 2014, 377-383. (in Hungarian)
2014 Almost Everything. The Dialectic of Cracked Totality, Budapest: L’Harmattan. (in Hungarian)
2013 “The Problem of Intersubjectivity in the Cartesian Meditations“, in: Varga Péter and Zuh Deodát eds., Husserl, a Contemporary Thinker, Budapest: L’Harmattan (in Hungarian)
2012 “On What We Know and What We Don’t”. In: Imago, 2012/3. (in Hungarian)
2012 “A Representation of an Image of an Invisible Face: the Ontology of Self-Portraits”, in Papp Zoltán ed., „Viharnak kitett szavak által”. Tanulmányok Bacsó Béla hatvanadik születésnapjára. Budapest: ELTE Eötvös. (in Hungarian)
2011 “Das Ungedachte: Husserl and Merleau-Ponty”, in Ullmann Tamás and Váradi Péter eds., Sartre és Merleau-Ponty. A francia fenomenológia klasszikus korszaka. Budapest: L’Harmattan, (in Hungarian)
2011 “The Logic of the Conditions of Possibility and the Immediacy of Intuition: Kant and Phenomenology”, in Blandl Borbála, Gulyás Péter, Marosán Bence eds., „A margók előadója voltam”. Emlékkötet Munkácsy Gyula tiszteletére. Budapest: Világosság. (in Hungarian)
Conferences and Public Lectures (selected)
2023 “The Point of Touch”, Blaise Pascal Conference, organized by Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Filozófia Tanszék and HUN-REN Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Filozófiai Intézet. (in Hungarian)
2023 “Personal and Impersonal, Identity and Difference”, Személyes azonosság, narrativitás, emlékezet, organized by ELTE BTK Filozófia Intézet. (in Hungarian)
2023 “Subjective, Objective, Intersubjective: Experience as a Play of Forces”, Society for European Philosophy’s Annual Conference, Budapest, hosted by Institute of Art Theory and Media Studies ELTE, in partnership with the Institute of Philosophy and the Faculty of Education and Psychology, ELTE. (in English)
2023 “Horizon, Phrasing and the Unconscious”, A tudattalan színeváltozásai III., Debreceni Egyetem. (in Hungarian)
2023, “The Ontology of Environmental Aesthetics”, Panel: Varieties of sustainability in the relationship between art and nature, Scoping Sustainable Aesthetics – Rethinking Nature, Man-Made Environment: XV Summer Congress of the International Institute of Applied Aesthetics (IIAA), Lahti, Finland. (in English)
2023 “On Procrastination”, Affectivity and Consciousness, conference, Budapest, Károli Gáspár University (in Hungarian)
2022 “The Dialectic of Consciousness”, Aspects of Consciousness, conference, Budapest, Eötvös University (in Hungarian)
2021 “Critiquing the Critique”, Critique in Aesthetics and in Art Theory, a Conference organized by MTA-PTE Kritikai Tanulmányok Kutatócsoport, online. (in Hungarian)
2021 “The Dialectic of Existence: Sartre”, Klasszikus egzisztencializmus workshop, Egzisztencia és Értelmezés Kutatócsoport NKFIH, ELTE BTK, online. (in Hungarian)
2021 “The Ontology of Environmental Aesthetics”, Vadon-város-virtuális valóság: környezetesztétikai megközelítések, ELTE BTK MMI Esztétika Tanszék, RCANE, online. (in Hungarian)2021 „The Ontology of Environmental Aesthetics”, Vadon-város-virtuális valóság: környezetesztétikai megközelítések, ELTE BTK MMI Esztétika Tanszék, RCANE, online. (in Hungarian)
2019 “The Perpetrator-Victim’s Shame”, Dehumanizáció: az elkövető alakja az irodalomban, a filmben és a filozófiában, ELTE BTK Anglisztika Tanszék. (in Hungarian)
2017 “An Ego’s History, Transcendental and Empirical”, New Research in Phenomenology, Psychology and Psychoanalysis, Cluj, Romania (in English)
2017 “Ego sum and ego cum”, Colloque en hommage à Jean-Luc Nancy, Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem (in English)
2017 “Perhaps Yes”, A szimulákrumok és a beteljesülés ígérete. VI. Kolozsvári Alkalmazott Etika Konferencia (in Hungarian)
2016 “The Completely Other”, In memoriam Jacques Derrida 2016: The University to Come, organized by PTE BTK, PAB, PPKE BTK, Budapest (in English)
2016 “Transcendental and Empirical Philosophy”, Narrative, Erlebnis, Experience, ELTE BTK Institute of Philosophy, Budapest. (in Hungarian)
2016 „Grey Zones”, Fenomén, vágy, hatalom: 2. (Poszt)fenomenológiai Workshop, organized by BBTE Magyar Filozófiai Intézete, Kolozsvári Akadémiai Bizottság Filozófiai Szakbizottsága, Magyar Fenomenológiai Egyesület and Erdélyi Magyar Filozófiai Társaság Fenomenológiai Munkacsoport, Cluj, Romania. (in Hungarian)
2016 “What is Completely Other”, Eros and Alterity, organized by Magyar Fenomenológiai Egyesület, Budapest. (in Hungarian)
2015 “Is Experience Diacritical?”, Welt und Unendlichkeit. Ein deutsch-ungarischer Dialog in memoriam László Tengelyi, Internationales Zentrum für Philosophie NRW, Bonn (in English)
2015 “A Transcendental Philosophy of Ambiguity”, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (in English)
2015 “On Exception”, Russian Institute for Advanced Studies, Moscow (in English)
2014 “Exception and Rule”, Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, Political Philosophy, organized by Eszterházy Károly College Department of Philosophy and Hungarian Academy of Sciences Miskolc Research Center for Social Theory, Eger. (in Hungarian)
2014 “The Broken Totality of Mindful Bodies”, a conference on Aesthetic Experience and Somaesthetics, organized and supported by the Hungarian Philosophical Association, Eötvös Loránd University, University of Szeged, Central European Pragmatist Forum and Pro Philosophia Szegediensi Foundation, Budapest. (in English)
2014 “Totality: Phenomenology and the Young Lukacs”, Continental Encounters: The History of Phenomenology in Eastern Europe Workshop, Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Wien. (in English)
2014 “Theoretical Approaches to Otherness”, talk and round table discussion, Gogol in Cluj/Cardiff, “Representations of the Other” International Project, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. (in English)
2014 “Lifeworld out of Focus”, Életvilág-konferencia, ELTE BTK Filozófia Intézet, Budapest. (in Hungarian)
2014 “The Experience of Border”, Senses in the Making: a (Post)phenomenological Workshop, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. (in Hungarian)
2013 “Sense Formation and the Uncanny”, XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, Athens. (in English)
2013 “A Philosophy of Ambiguity”, Phenomenology Summer School, Badacsonyörs, Hungary (in Hungarian)
2013 “The Novelty and the Failure of Objective Egology”, A Hundred Years of Transcendental Phenomenology: Commemorating Husserl’s Ideen, Eötvös Loránd University Budapest (in Hungarian)
2013 “The Dialectic of Despair”, Phenomenology Workshop of the Hungarian Phenomenological Society, the Transsylvanian Hungarian Philosophical Society and the Cluj Academy, Budapest, Hungary (in Hungarian)
Grants/Fellowships (selected)
2016 Erasmus Staff Mobility Programme, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj
2015 Erasmus Staff Mobility Programme, Humboldt University, Berlin
2015 DAAD Fellow, Freie University, Berlin
2015 Fellow of the Russian Institute for Advanced Studies, Moscow
2014 Grant of Österreichischer Austauschdienst
2013-2015 “Representations of the Other”, International Project
2012-2015 “Heidegger and National Socialism. Philosophical Approaches”, OTKA Grant
2011 Paul Celan Fellow, IWM, Vienna
2005-2007 Historical and Theoretical Aspects of Aesthetic Representation, R&D Project, Hungary
2005-2006 Artes Liberales Research Project, Hungary
2003 Junior Visiting Fellow, CEU, Department of Philosophy, Hungary
1997-1999 Research Support Scheme Grant, Open Society Institute
1998 Research Project, Husserl Archives, Leuven
1994 Research Project, Sorbonne: Paris I, Peregrinatio Grant, Paris
Contact Details
Institute for Art Theory and Media Studies
Department of Aesthetics
Eötvös Loránd University
Mail: Múzeum krt. 6-8 1088-Budapest Hungary
Phone: (36) 14116570
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